About Janet Melton

I paint to speak a part of myself that would otherwise remain unspoken
— janet melton

Hi!  I'm Janet Melton, an artist living in a small town in the Virginia countryside.   A quiet and introspective person by nature, I paint because it brings me joy.  Painting allows me to let go, to express myself fully, to be present.  When I paint, I don't think about anything else....I am completely lost to it, in it.  Immersed. Submerged. Within.  It is a spiritual experience, a time of communion with the deepest, truest parts of myself, and therefore, with the One who created me.

When I paint, I am not striving to capture physical reality, but a moment in time, an emotion, an experience.  Painting intuitively, without steps to complete or rules to follow, allows me to go where the painting takes me without concern for the outcome.  There is magic in it.  There is surprise.  There is always something new to discover.

Sharing these paintings with you is also a joy.  My hope is that they will pay it forward, and bring you joy too.
